In the very beginning god said let there be light, but there was plight. 63 is the age of this bleeding wound. 63 years I have been waking up to the sounds of bullets and bombs, I have been expelled from my home, oppressed, tortured, murdered, and besieged. For 63 years miles of barbed wires have been separating me from my sons, cousins, brothers, and friends. 63 years of fear as my children go to school they might come back not.
29.Nov. International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
30.Nov. The anniversary of UN assembly declaration of Apartheid and Racism publishable crimes
Shall these two days pass without a solid stand for the Palestinian people who have been suffering ethnic cleansing, murdering, torturing, and apartheid?
30.Nov. The anniversary of UN assembly declaration of Apartheid and Racism publishable crimes
Shall these two days pass without a solid stand for the Palestinian people who have been suffering ethnic cleansing, murdering, torturing, and apartheid?
Pal-Politics Re-Defined
The greatest Arab thinker ever, Averroes said: “Believe what you see and some of what you hear”. In terms of his wisdom and in terms of what we observe since the unity paper was signed, it is fair to say the situation doesn’t look so promising. There are still so many political prisoners both in Gaza and the West Bank, and more are being arrested, we still have hundreds of closed youth organizations, and our basic rights are being violated.
where are we going?
the question played in my mind over and over again like a broken record ... I thought Palestine would finally have a functioning civil society and NGOs ... but it seems having sky-wide dreams and hopes would always cause severe disappointment ...
the March 15th Movement, was supposed to be the base of a strong affective lobby work, but as it all seem clear now, that movement isn't free anymore, and is being rubbed towards one political faction. for that reason many guys including myself, find it the right thing to do to quit being members of such movement. we believe the society needs a functioning and independent alternative wither it is civil movements, or political organizations ... but going all the way back to be a part of traditional entities like Fatah and Hamas, doesn't seem the right thing to me, and isn't the right path to what would be in favor of the whole nation ...
live and see ...
the March 15th Movement, was supposed to be the base of a strong affective lobby work, but as it all seem clear now, that movement isn't free anymore, and is being rubbed towards one political faction. for that reason many guys including myself, find it the right thing to do to quit being members of such movement. we believe the society needs a functioning and independent alternative wither it is civil movements, or political organizations ... but going all the way back to be a part of traditional entities like Fatah and Hamas, doesn't seem the right thing to me, and isn't the right path to what would be in favor of the whole nation ...
live and see ...
In Memoriam
Few months ago, I had a discussion with a friend, he said memories are past, while I had an opposing idea, memories aren’t past as long as they impose any kind of emotional state and have implications on our lives.
I want you to concentrate on this quote: “some refugees from Darfur weren’t allowed to return to their homes”. The government is violating the basic Human Rights and violating International Law, hence a refugee is guaranteed the right to return to his/her own house. What do you feel about the poor refugees of Darfur? The quote is not news, I only want you to imagine such a miserable situation, how would international media deal with it and how would you feel about it?
Unity agreement, with and against
In March 15th hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Youth and elders demonstrated for their national unity. The protestors were marginalized and attacked brutally, a gun and a stick aren’t necessary to marginalize one’s opinion and voice, although Hamas used them in the worst possible ways, Hamas also introduced a less harmful way to marginalize, using super noisy speakers.
All indications in March 15th and the days after, arresting, beating, and stabbing do directly show that there wasn’t any real attitude within Gaza de facto Hamas government to deal in peaceful way or to step to the demands of the crowds, for many reasons nobody in Gaza was impressed about the way Hamas behaved.
Gaza's Known Soldier
In the place where Gazans used to have the status of the Unknown Soldier, Gazans announced solidarity, and a collective shock and standing against the unacceptable crime which aggrieved all of us deep inside.
Vittorio, was – is a man like no other man. He risked all in the way to give us a space and voice, to make the world hear us, feel us, and understand us as human beings made of blood and flesh. He made them hear the cries of our children loud and clear. He gave Palestine more than we did.
Vittorio loss opened our eyes, there is still much to be done, that we shall not let the hands of oppression shut our voices or marginalize our souls, the struggle and message of Gaza’s Known Soldier shall go on, and his dream of seeing Gaza free shall come true.
Vittorio, Vittorio, Vittorio, thou shalt be remembered. Thy light will never be forgotten or fade.
R.I.P. Vittorio .. Justice will prevail.
about me
The story started in the fourth of September 1985, that midnight witnessed my first cries for life; I opened my dark brown eyes to realize I was born in Gaza, with no basic rights like those you enjoy anywhere else. In my early childhood days, just like any other Palestinian child, I had nightmares, and fear as nights fell down knowing the soldiers would come search the houses from time to time. Witnessing the clashes every day, the injured, and the killed people is not something that the stomach of grown up people would accept, and of course it is not for kids.
about you
I have been told several times that once a man finds the right woman, sooner he realizes it was too late for him to take any step. I thought once a heart starts to beat then it is an announcement of life, but as I go through this state of coming late experience, I can’t but see it clear and feel it deep inside, that heart beats announce either revival or death. There is nothing to be so sure about, not in heavens and not on earth.
About past years and tomorrows!
سنتكم سعيدة,Happy New Year, С Новым Годом. Sounds of fireworks across the world staved off the silence separating a passing a way decade from another being born, whilst in the land of beloved baby Jesus, fireworks celebrations weren’t allowed. It is just another story of how cruel fate can be!. No gifts, no holidays joy, but rather more oppression, destruction, melancholy, futility, and misery for those who live in the holy land.
What has been achieved? The question I asked myself for a while (as a nation or as individuals). One doesn’t have to be as smart as Einstein to recognize the answer; in Gaza as I mentioned in former writings, it is the normal thing to hear a bullet or an explosion every moment and the other.
Happy New Year!
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