
Pal-Politics Re-Defined

The greatest Arab thinker ever, Averroes said: “Believe what you see and some of what you hear”. In terms of his wisdom and in terms of what we observe since the unity paper was signed, it is fair to say the situation doesn’t look so promising. There are still so many political prisoners both in Gaza and the West Bank, and more are being arrested, we still have hundreds of closed youth organizations, and our basic rights are being violated.

Few days ago 31.May.2011, the March 15th Youth Coalition was supposed to have a conference entitled “The Palestinian Youth political activism in terms of Unity” the conference was cancelled as Hamas police attacked the place, ordered everybody out of the hall, and arrested some of those who were supposed to have a speech.

In the circumstances I find it fair to re-define few things. In an Egyptian film entitled “Tito” Ahmed Al-Saqa a great Egyptian actor, tells a child who misses school to "get clean before he grows and the dirt grows along with him". The child can be seen as any of the Palestinian political parties, grew without cleaning (mentally and ideologically), and the dirt grew along to an extent it can’t be cleaned. I believe there is a matter of life/death urgency to create an alternative, a civil like a social movement, or political as a political party. The main point this alternative should stick to; being moderate, stressing Human Rights, Equality, Solidarity, Justice, and Diversity.

It is obvious the Palestinian society has reached this dead end due to the lack of these aspects, and if there should be a way out, it can only be achieved through setting these principles up instead of hunting mirage promises we keep on hearing from this politician or that.

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